// MIT License // // Copyright (C) 2018-2023, Tellusim Technologies Inc. https://tellusim.com/ // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* */ using namespace Tellusim; /* */ int32_t main(int32_t argc, char **argv) { DECLARE_WINDOW // create window String title = String::format("%s Tellusim::Lights", window.getPlatformName()); if(!window.create(title) || !window.setHidden(false)) return 1; // number of lights #if _ANDROID || _IOS constexpr uint32_t num_lights = 1024 * 8; #else constexpr uint32_t num_lights = 1024 * 16; #endif constexpr uint32_t grid_size[4] = { 16, 16, 128, 256 }; // structures struct Vertex { float32_t position[3]; float32_t normal[3]; }; struct AnimationParameters { Vector4f bound_min; Vector4f bound_max; uint32_t num_lights; float32_t ifps; }; struct LightParameters { Matrix4x4f iprojection; Vector4u grid_size; float32_t znear; float32_t zfar; }; struct CommonParameters { Matrix4x4f projection; Matrix4x4f modelview; Vector4f window_size; Vector4u grid_size; Vector4f camera; float32_t znear; float32_t zfar; }; // create device Device device(window); if(!device) return 1; // check compute shader support if(!device.hasShader(Shader::TypeCompute)) { TS_LOG(Error, "compute shader is not supported\n"); return 0; } // shader cache Shader::setCache("main.cache"); // create target Target target = device.createTarget(window); // create animation kernel Kernel animation_kernel = device.createKernel().setUniforms(1).setStorages(3); if(!animation_kernel.loadShaderGLSL("main.shader", "COMPUTE_ANIMATION_SHADER=1")) return 1; if(!animation_kernel.create()) return 1; // create light kernel Kernel light_kernel = device.createKernel().setUniforms(1).setStorages(4); if(!light_kernel.loadShaderGLSL("main.shader", "COMPUTE_LIGHT_SHADER=1")) return 1; if(!light_kernel.create()) return 1; // create depth pipeline Pipeline depth_pipeline = device.createPipeline(); depth_pipeline.setUniformMask(0, Shader::MaskVertex); depth_pipeline.addAttribute(Pipeline::AttributePosition, FormatRGBf32, 0, offsetof(Vertex, position), sizeof(Vertex)); depth_pipeline.addAttribute(Pipeline::AttributeNormal, FormatRGBf32, 0, offsetof(Vertex, normal), sizeof(Vertex)); depth_pipeline.setCullMode(target.isFlipped() ? Pipeline::CullModeFront : Pipeline::CullModeBack); depth_pipeline.setMultisample(window.getMultisample()); depth_pipeline.setColorFormat(window.getColorFormat()); depth_pipeline.setDepthFormat(window.getDepthFormat()); depth_pipeline.setDepthFunc(Pipeline::DepthFuncGreaterEqual); if(!depth_pipeline.loadShaderGLSL(Shader::TypeVertex, "main.shader", "VERTEX_DEPTH_SHADER=1")) return 1; if(!depth_pipeline.loadShaderGLSL(Shader::TypeFragment, "main.shader", "FRAGMENT_DEPTH_SHADER=1")) return 1; if(!depth_pipeline.create()) return 1; // create light pipeline Pipeline light_pipeline = device.createPipeline(depth_pipeline); light_pipeline.setUniformMask(0, Shader::MaskVertexFragment); light_pipeline.setStorageMasks(0, 4, Shader::MaskFragment); light_pipeline.setDepthFunc(Pipeline::DepthFuncEqual); if(!light_pipeline.loadShaderGLSL(Shader::TypeVertex, "main.shader", "VERTEX_LIGHT_SHADER=1")) return 1; if(!light_pipeline.loadShaderGLSL(Shader::TypeFragment, "main.shader", "FRAGMENT_LIGHT_SHADER=1")) return 1; if(!light_pipeline.create()) return 1; // load mesh Mesh mesh; if(!mesh.load("model.glb")) return 1; mesh.createBounds(); mesh.createNormals(); mesh.setBasis(Mesh::BasisZUpRight); BoundBoxf bound_box = BoundBoxf(mesh.getBoundBox()); Vector3f bound_min = bound_box.min * Vector3f(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.2f); Vector3f bound_max = bound_box.max * Vector3f(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.2f); // create model MeshModel model; if(!model.create(device, light_pipeline, mesh)) return 1; // create tree RadixSort radix_sort; PrefixScan prefix_scan; SpatialTree spatial_tree; uint32_t group_size = min(device.getFeatures().maxGroupSizeX, 256u); if(!radix_sort.create(device, RadixSort::ModeSingle, prefix_scan, num_lights, group_size)) return 1; if(!spatial_tree.create(device, SpatialTree::FlagSingle, radix_sort, num_lights, group_size)) return 1; // create lights Array colors(num_lights); Array positions(num_lights); Array velocities(num_lights); Random random(Vector3i(1, 3, 7)); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < num_lights; i++) { float32_t radius = random.getf32(Vector3f(0.2f), Vector3f(1.2f)).x; positions[i] = Vector4f(random.getf32(bound_min, bound_max), radius * 256.0f); velocities[i] = Vector4f(random.getf32(Vector3f(-0.5f), Vector3f(0.5f)), 0.0f); Vector4f color = Vector4f(random.getf32(Vector3f(0.2f), Vector3f(1.2f)), 0.0f); colors[i] = Color(color.v).gammaToLinear().getRGBAu8(); } // create buffers Buffer colors_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage, colors.get(), colors.bytes()); Buffer positions_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage, positions.get(), positions.bytes()); Buffer velocities_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage, velocities.get(), velocities.bytes()); Buffer nodes_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage | Buffer::FlagSource, sizeof(SpatialTree::Node) * num_lights * 2); if(!colors_buffer || !positions_buffer || !velocities_buffer || !nodes_buffer) return 1; uint32_t num_cells = grid_size[0] * grid_size[1] * grid_size[2]; Buffer grid_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage, sizeof(uint32_t) * num_cells); Buffer indices_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage, sizeof(uint32_t) * 2 * num_cells * grid_size[3]); Buffer counters_buffer = device.createBuffer(Buffer::FlagStorage, sizeof(uint32_t) * grid_size[0]); if(!grid_buffer || !indices_buffer || !counters_buffer) return 1; float32_t animation_time = 0.0f; float32_t old_animation_time = 0.0f; bool animation = !app.isArgument("pause"); // main loop DECLARE_GLOBAL window.run([&]() -> bool { DECLARE_COMMON using Tellusim::sin; using Tellusim::cos; Window::update(); if(!window.render()) return false; // window title if(fps > 0.0f) window.setTitle(String::format("%s %.1f FPS", title.get(), fps)); // animation time if(window.getKeyboardKey(' ', true)) animation = !animation; if(animation) animation_time += time - old_animation_time; old_animation_time = time; // window size float32_t width = (float32_t)window.getWidth(); float32_t height = (float32_t)window.getHeight(); // common parameters CommonParameters common_parameters; common_parameters.znear = 0.1f; common_parameters.zfar = 10000.0f; common_parameters.camera = Vector4f(sin(animation_time) * 16.0f, 1200.0f, 128.0f + cos(animation_time) * 16.0f, 1.0f); common_parameters.projection = Matrix4x4f::perspective(60.0f, width / height, common_parameters.znear, true); if(target.isFlipped()) common_parameters.projection = Matrix4x4f::scale(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f) * common_parameters.projection; common_parameters.modelview = Matrix4x4f::lookAt(common_parameters.camera.xyz, Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f), Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); common_parameters.window_size = Vector4f(width, height, 1.0f / width, 1.0f / height); common_parameters.grid_size = Vector4u(grid_size); // clear buffers if(!device.clearBuffer(counters_buffer)) return 1; // update spatial tree { // create command list Compute compute = device.createCompute(); // animation parameters AnimationParameters animation_parameters; animation_parameters.bound_min = Vector4f(bound_min, 1.0f); animation_parameters.bound_max = Vector4f(bound_max, 1.0f); animation_parameters.num_lights = num_lights; animation_parameters.ifps = animation ? 0.5f : 0.0f; // dispatch animation kernel compute.setKernel(animation_kernel); compute.setUniform(0, animation_parameters); compute.setStorageBuffers(0, { positions_buffer, velocities_buffer, nodes_buffer }); compute.dispatch(num_lights); compute.barrier(nodes_buffer); // dispatch spatial tree spatial_tree.dispatch(compute, SpatialTree::HashXYZ8, nodes_buffer, 0, num_lights); // light parameters LightParameters light_parameters; light_parameters.iprojection = inverse(common_parameters.modelview) * inverse(common_parameters.projection); light_parameters.grid_size = common_parameters.grid_size; light_parameters.znear = common_parameters.znear; light_parameters.zfar = common_parameters.zfar; // dispatch light kernel compute.setKernel(light_kernel); compute.setUniform(0, light_parameters); compute.setStorageBuffers(0, { counters_buffer, grid_buffer, indices_buffer, nodes_buffer }); compute.dispatch(grid_size[0], grid_size[1], grid_size[2]); compute.barrier({ grid_buffer, indices_buffer }); } // set buffer layout device.flushBuffer(nodes_buffer); // window target target.setClearDepth(0.0f); target.begin(); { // create command list Command command = device.createCommand(target); // draw depth prepass command.setPipeline(depth_pipeline); command.setUniform(0, common_parameters); model.setBuffers(command); model.draw(command); // draw lights command.setPipeline(light_pipeline); command.setUniform(0, common_parameters); command.setStorageBuffers(0, { grid_buffer, indices_buffer, positions_buffer, colors_buffer }); model.setBuffers(command); model.draw(command); } target.end(); if(!window.present()) return false; if(!device.check()) return false; return true; }); // finish context window.finish(); return 0; }