February 23, 2025
SDK 42
New Engine features:
- Introduced node-based API scripting.
- Added support for an unlimited number of mesh morph targets.
- Correct deformed morph geometries tracing.
- Fixed correct normal calculations for non-uniformly scaled objects when using the non-uniform material option.
- MeshAnimation Explorer extension for animation importing and retargeting has been added.
- SceneScriptFlow Explorer extension, which enables ScriptFlow functionality, has been added.
- ScenePrefab extension with Scattering and all Physics plugins has been added to the Explorer.
- Fragment and Compute app templates have been added to the project tool.
- MaterialFlow iridescent and marble material samples.
- Object mesh morph sample.
- Many new ScriptFlow samples have been added.
- ScriptFlow plugin now offers node-based Tellusim API scripting.
- More socket shapes have been added to ControlFlow.
- ControlFlow type masks now support up to 384 types.
- ControlElement has a new color multiplier parameter.
- Many new nodes have been added to the MaterialFlow plugin.
- Physics plugins support dynamic gravity changes.
- Physics plugins automatically handle body/shape/joint removals.
- Reflection plugin provides information about enums and callbacks.
- ARLink plugin (client to the Tellusim ARLink app) enables real-time facial animation.
- New MeshAttribute::TypeIndex attribute type acts as an index to the optimized (source) position attribute. Morph target attributes can be stored in a compact form and accessed via this index.
- Control of the ControlSplit size is now managed within the ControlRoot interface.
- Pressed callback has been added for ControlSlider.
- ObjectMesh::FlagSkeleton transforms the parent NodeObject into the source skeleton for all child nodes (e.g., different clothes on a character).
- ObjectAnimation::setEmbedded()|isEmbedded() flag controls animation embedding within the scene.
- ControlTree now returns the currently focused item for tooltips.
- Expressions now accept non-default matrix names.
- Trigonometric operations have been added for Vector<> types.
- Script scene classes can now store source code inside scene files.
- Object::createLocal()|GlobalTransforms() methods have been added for simple hierarchical node operations.
- A dedicated morph target buffer has been added to ObjectMesh.
- geometry/TellusimLine.h provides line-related math utilities.
- math/TellusimNoise.h provides Perlin and fractal noise samplers.
- Internal FBX loader now supports blend shapes.
- Updated mesh file format effectively compresses blend targets by storing only modified data.
- Default camera’s ZFar clip plane is Maxf32.
- Default point light radius is 100.
- Matrix4x3f type has been added to the Expression parser.
- Corrected skinned NodeObject bounding box visualization.
- Script::setParameter(), Material::setUniform(), and Material::setTexture() now no longer cause assertions when an invalid name is provided.